The Spanish Word for Taiwan's Pundits is "Los Diablos"

The other day Facebook censored me because I jokingly wrote on a dear friend's post that "I am coming over to kick your butt!" I was slapped with a warning and couldn't post or comment for 48 hours. I was upset, but I also knew (at least hoped)  the same mechanism is keeping Chinese trolls, anti-vaxxers or crazy Trumpers from spewing trashy ideologies and blatant lies. 

It got me thinking. If Facebook can work out an algorithm to prevent people from spreading disinformation and inciting potential violence, then why can't the NCC of Taiwan ban the so-called pundits on Taiwan's multiple trashy political talk shows from spreading lies and giving false information? To me, these opportunistic baboons are hijackers of freedom of speech. They are agents of disinformation and instigators of ignorance. 

A doctor-turned-politician who hasn't practiced medicine for over 30 years is all of the sudden the authority on infectious disease control. A journalist who spent most of his reporting career control-Cing and control-Ving is now an expert on contact tracing. Some unknown professor who can hardly speak English and never worked a day for a global top media is telling Taiwanese audience what the foreign media outlets "are really saying." If we can boo people off the stage for singing off keys, why can't we stop these liars and under-qualified individuals from polluting Taiwanese public? 

The soft lockdown in Taiwan has been difficult for many. But still some silver linings. Humans are finally leaving Mother Nature alone. Many businesses accelerated their digital transformation. People are putting more emphasize on health and wellness. And lastly, no indoor dining at noodle shops means these trashy political talk shows are not being blasted everywhere all hours of the day on the streets of Taipei. #blessingsindisguise 


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